22 april 2021

The possibilities are endless on an E-Fatbike!

Astonic e-Fatbike klaar voor avontuur op gemengd terrein, met de stadssilhouet op de achtergrond en natuurlijke paden op de voorgrond, symboliserend de veelzijdigheid van de fiets voor zowel stedelijke als natuurlijke omgevingen.

Discover Boundless Adventures with the Astonic E-Fatbike 

Experience unlimited adventurous possibilities with the Astonic e-Fatbike, your ultimate partner for any terrain. Whether you're navigating through the urban jungle, carving a path through pristine nature, or planning a cozy family outing with a child seat; the Astonic guides you in every setting!

Expand Your Horizons with the Astonic E-Fatbike 

With the Astonic e-Fatbike, the possibilities are limitless, bringing every location within reach. Feel as at home in the bustling city as on a challenging course through natural areas. Even popular routes past national icons, such as the Kinderdijk windmills, are within your grasp. Discover unparalleled freedom on the best e-Fatbike crafted in the Netherlands.

Unprecedented Support for Every Adventure

Unprecedented Support for Every Adventure Thanks to the powerful electric assistance, hills feel less steep, and dune and forest paths are no longer an obstacle. Planned family outings become a breeze, even with the smallest ones easily taken along on our Astonic e-bikes.

Ready to Explore Boundless Possibilities?

Do you want to experience the versatility and adventurous potential of an Astonic e-Fatbike yourself? Leave no path unexplored and no adventure unventured with the Astonic by your side. Discover how our e-Fatbike can expand your world and take you to places you never thought possible.

Do you want to try out the endless possibilities of an Astonic bike for yourself?

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We can be reached by phone Monday through Saturday between 9:00 and 21:00. You can also send us an e-mail. 

info@astonic-rides.nl +31 (0)183 201 043
Eigenaren op hun handgemaakte Custom fatbike

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